Stories by ANU KRISHNA

ASK ANU: 'I want to walk out of this marriage'

ASK ANU: 'I want to walk out of this marriage'   1 Oct 2021

In her weekly column, mental health guru Anu Krishna offers advice on how to take charge of your life.

ASK ANU: 'My husband doesn't love me'

ASK ANU: 'My husband doesn't love me'   20 Sep 2021

Mental health and life coach Anu Krishna tells you how to take charge of your life.

ASK ANU: How to Deal with Divorce and Separation

ASK ANU: How to Deal with Divorce and Separation   14 Sep 2021

Mental health and life coach Anu Krishna shares a few mind hacks to help you acknowledge and tide over the process.

ASK ANU: 'I feel suffocated. I want to be happy'

ASK ANU: 'I feel suffocated. I want to be happy'   6 Sep 2021

In her weekly column, mental health guru Anu Krishna offers advice on how to take charge of your life.

'I'm married, but I love my best friend'

'I'm married, but I love my best friend'   27 Aug 2021

Mental health and life coach Anu Krishna offers advice on how to take control of your life.

'My guilt and grief is increasing. I feel suicidal'

'My guilt and grief is increasing. I feel suicidal'   12 Aug 2021

Mental health and life coach Anu Krishna offers advice on how to take control of your life.

ASK ANU: 'My wife was in a relationship. I'm devastated'

ASK ANU: 'My wife was in a relationship. I'm devastated'   15 Jul 2021

Mental health and life coach Anu Krishna offers advice on how to take control of your life.

ASK ANU: 'All I want is a non-angry, happy household'

ASK ANU: 'All I want is a non-angry, happy household'   7 Jul 2021

Mental health guru and life coach Anu Krishna offers relationship advice to readers.

ASK ANU: 'My wife doesn't allow me to touch her'

ASK ANU: 'My wife doesn't allow me to touch her'   21 Jun 2021

As part of a self help initiative, mental health coach Anu Krishna helps Rediff readers talk about their problems and offers advice.

ASK ANU: 'My wife and I fight. I'm worried'

ASK ANU: 'My wife and I fight. I'm worried'   15 Jun 2021

As part of this self help initiative with, Mental Health Coach Anu Krishna helps readers talk about their problems and offers advice.

My wife's lost interest in sex. Is it normal?

My wife's lost interest in sex. Is it normal?   9 Jun 2021

In her weekly QnA with Rediff readers, life coach and mental health guru Anu Krishna addresses issues relating to mental health and offers solutions.

ASK ANU: 'I lost my parents. I feel alone'

ASK ANU: 'I lost my parents. I feel alone'   18 May 2021

Mind coach and NLP practitioner Anu Krishna guides readers on how to prioritise mental health and take control of one's life.

How important is money to you? Take this test

How important is money to you? Take this test   30 Nov 2020

The connection that we have with money will define how it moves into and out of our lives.

6 tips to deal with social media stress

6 tips to deal with social media stress   18 Nov 2020

Any and every message on any chat interface does not require your response. Think whether it has any value and discard the rest to feel in control about what you read and respond to.

'I'm afraid of facing people. Pls help'

'I'm afraid of facing people. Pls help'   12 Nov 2020

In an offline chat, mind/life coach, NLP trainer and Mental Health Guru Anu Krishna encourages readers to talk about their problems and offers solutions.

Why Parents struggle to TALK to Teens

Why Parents struggle to TALK to Teens   3 Nov 2020

You struggle because, first you 'try' and second, you, 'talk', says mind coach, NLP trainer and Zen Lifestyle Expert Anu Krishna.

'I don't love my wife or kid. Please help'

'I don't love my wife or kid. Please help'   27 Oct 2020

Mind/life coach, NLP trainer and Mental Health Guru Anu Krishna encourages you to talk about your problems and offers solutions.

9 steps to overcome fear and feel confident

9 steps to overcome fear and feel confident   13 Oct 2020

Tell yourself that nothing is worth losing sleep over and every opportunity leads to growth and learning.

'I don't feel happy. Please help'

'I don't feel happy. Please help'   6 Oct 2020

Mind/life coach, NLP trainer and Mental Health Guru Anu Krishna answers readers' queries and guides them to take control of their life.

How to train your mind to stay calm and positive

How to train your mind to stay calm and positive   28 Sep 2020

Train your mind to lead you to the secrets and keep the channel of communication open with it, so you become aware and act on it, says mind coach and mental health expert Anu Krishna.